Kiwi Fresh Tea
Kiwi Fresh Tea Ingredient: 1 Teabag Day Time Berry 2 tea spoon honey 100 gr Kiwi fruit Ice cubes Instruction: Let’s make Kiwi Fresh Tea! It’s really simple, follow this steps:1. Put the teabag into the teapot, and wait for…
Kiwi Fresh Tea Ingredient: 1 Teabag Day Time Berry 2 tea spoon honey 100 gr Kiwi fruit Ice cubes Instruction: Let’s make Kiwi Fresh Tea! It’s really simple, follow this steps:1. Put the teabag into the teapot, and wait for…
Blackcurrant Strawberry Tea Blackcurrant Strawberry Tea Blackcurrant Strawberry Tea Ingredient: 2 teabag Savis Blackcurrant Tea 200 ml boiling water 30 ml Strawberry syrup Diced strawberry Ice cubes Instruction: Steps to make iced Blackcurrant Strawberry Tea. Brew 2 teabags of Blackcurrant…
Ice Mango Lime with Black Tea Ice Mango Lime with Black Tea Ingredient: 2 tea bags of mango tea Ice cube 30 ml syrup 15 ml lime juice Instruction: Steep 2 teabags of mango tea in 200ml hot water for…
Peppermint with Lime Peppermint with Lime Ingredient: Peppermint Pure Green Tea Hot water Simple syrup Lime juice Ice Instruction: Steep 1 teabag of Peppermint tea in 100 ml hot water for 3 minutes, and steep 1 teabag Pure Green Tea…
Sweet Royal Princess Sweet Royal Princess Ingredient: Royal Princess Hot water Rock sugar Instruction: Prepare 6 gram of Royal Princess loose tea in a teapot. Bring water into a boiler, then pour 400 ml of boiled water directly over the…
Lemongrass Green Tea Line Lemongrass Green Tea Lime Ingredient: Lemongrass Green Tea. 1 teaspoon honey. 1 lime slice. Steep 2 gram of Lemongrass Green Tea by Savis in 200 ml hot water for 3 to 5 minutes,then strain the…
Exotic Chai Latte Exotic Chai Latte Ingredient: 1 teabag Savis Exotic Especia 100 ml hot water 125 ml soy milk, almond milk or coconut milk Cinnamon powder for garnish Honey or maple syrup if vegan Instruction: Pour the hot water 100…